The courts of Ling-Shan were notorious. If you were a woman, you were guilty. Nobody quite knew what his past was, only that he had no time for female criminals. Maya was an outcast to begin with, so when she was charged it was expected she would be dead within the week.
Ling-shan took a liking to her instead. Unfortunately for her, this was to be a fate worse than death. One night she was lying in the cold prison cell when a maid visited her.
“You should know, the judge, he likes you.” said the maid
“What?” asked Maya
“He likes you. He wants to keep you for himself.”
“I don’t understand?”
“If you survive, he will take you back to his grand house, and keep you there. You are very lucky!”
“If I survive?”
“Yes, he has very unusual…. tastes. He likes women that are strong. In the trial tomorrow he will try and make you confess. Do not. Do not scream. Do not cry. Do not beg. He will order you to be hurt. If you can withstand it, he will take you as his prize and you will live.”
pain by Damian

For a complete story,go here!